Space Settlement Summit 2019 Sessions
Recent Material Developments
Recent Material Developments
Moderator: Bruce Pittman
This session is intended to identify what material developments have occurred in the last 12 months. How has the landscape changed or advanced?
Implications of Accelerated Return to the Moon
Implications of Accelerated Return to the Moon
Moderator: Karlton Johnson
A new goal of boots on the Moon by 2024 has been set which implies the need for innovative partnerships with private enterprise. At the same time SpaceIL came ever so close to landing on the Moon. Suddenly countries and companies around the world believe that they can participate in opening the Lunar surface for activity. How does this change the path to space settlement?
Regulating Cis-Lunar Space
Regulating Cis-Lunar Space
Moderator: Dale Amon
If we are to reach even the early stages of Space Settlement the volume of launch traffic from Earth will greatly exceed current flight numbers. To this will be added sub-orbital tourist flights and potentially derivatives of Starship making sub-orbital point-to-point passenger flights. Such a scenario raises new questions and will require effective solutions, do we have the mechanisms to manage this?
Cis-Lunar Economy
Cis-Lunar Economy
Moderator: Anita Gale
Building a cislunar economy will require an ecosystem of players and standards for interoperability. It will entail operations all the way from LEO to the Luna surface. How might this cislunar economy look and operate?
Non-Traditional Players to Enter the Space Scene
Non-Traditional Players to Enter the Space Scene
Moderator: Kirby Ikin
As space settlement transitions into a predominantly commercial arena the capabilities and knowhow required rapidly expands beyond traditional space companies. Who will operate the first space cruise lines and hotels? Who will develop the crewed rovers that will operate on the Moon and Mars?
Critical Issues to Supporting Life in Space Settlements
Critical Issues to Supporting Life in Space Settlements
Moderator: John Mankins
Supporting life in space settlements requires many different things. There will be medical issues associated with life in differing gravity environments; psycholoigal / sociological issues; issues around food production and waste management.